Wednesday 1 October 2014


The slow beating of the heart,
breath's stuck as if there's a lid on.
It has been raining for days;
But it's like I'm covered in raincoat overalls.

The bitten lips and the clenched fists,
Tell the tale of the darkest fears.
The night before the dawn or the night before more nights,
What's uncertain cannot be clear.

The swollen eyes, the reddened pair,
the ones with black caves dug beneath,
Hold the sorrows of the previous night
and many a previous nights indeed .

The pain that's more inner than outer;
The one that hurts like a thousand needles pierced deep.
Has taken the consciousness of the mind,
Leaving behind a long black dream.

Thin layers between the real and the imaginary.
Like onion peels none different from the other.
Each layer peeled off one at a time;
Only to find each one to be alike.

Like the chair with woven plastic and metalled edges,
Only the frame is strong but not the body.
Any minute a knife can cut through
And make it unfit for further use.

The cold is still there when a blanket covers.
And so is the eternal winter of the heart.
If the sun melts the ice to water,
Would I be the one who melts or the one who evaporates?

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Dig up life

An unexpected journey taken on an impulse
Brought me to a travel on a train.
I got down and walked on foot to a small town,
within a city a place of its own.

I sat inside a cafe small,
And watched outside through its window still,
A Street rustling with a life loud
With colours dull and brown.

While I ordered a cup of coffee and a cupcake,
The lady on the counter had a smile not fake.
She took my order in the most pleasing way.
I lifted my food plate and went back to my sitting place.

From the window I saw
the poorest poor and the richest rich.
Poor from the tattered clothes and tough life.
Rich from the hard work and joy in their eyes.

A difference from the way we live in the cities,
The way we give up on small little things.
The proud in their walk like the richest king
Wasn't at all wrong for being a fearless being.

As I ate inside the sheltered nice place
I saw people having their meal at the dirty road carts.
While the sun, wind and flies embraced them all
they ate as if eating at a fancy restaurant.

We look at them with judging eyes
While they should be the ones to judge our pride.
After all they are a bunch of happy men
And we unhappy despite of the luxuries we get.

Its better to live a simple life
Where people are weighed higher than the material
Than live forever chasing meaningless success
When our dreams are other than those we are running for.

A day made all the difference to me.
An open look towards life is all we need.
We look only at the surface of the things.
While inside we can find true happiness if we dig.

Saturday 19 July 2014

In the Dark

Kohl smeared over my eyes;
the joy of meeting you after a long time.
Wanting to look my best in glitter slippers,
dancing to the beat of my heart's flutter.
We had planned to meet at the same old spot.
I had been sad for days ,you hadn't picked my calls.
Half in joy, half in pain.
I moved my legs in a dreamy way.
We met with a very formal greeting
A smile on my face, on yours a grin.
And I felt something different in your expression.
You acted like all's right but I felt a kind of tension.
You said let's go to the coffee shop
But I insisted we rather go to the park.
We sat on a bench and before you could talk,
I looked you in the eye and asked what was wrong.
And then I heard a shower of the most harmful words.
Lie after lie, hurt after hurt.
I could not believe my eyes or my ears.
Love had long gone and left behind an ocean full of tears.
Before wasting anymore time than I already had,
I got up to go with a goodbye hand.
I ran as fast as I could, went as far as I  could.
And only stopped as I reached the bus stop.
I sat on the waiting bench as the bus had not come yet.
And everything I had ignored back then started to make sense.
I was never loved , only made to believe I was.
I gave him my heart but his heart was cursed.
Liars can not be friends or lovers.
Only villains can they be.
I could have known his heart.
Had I noticed the person he was to everybody.
They say we suffer for a good reason.
And from our mistakes we learn.
We let the past lift off our hearts,
To meet a someone true who lasts.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Ice cold love

If your heart melts on seeing me
Why be the ice that's not even hard from within.
The thin crust of cold that you wear, let it break.
It may seem like it's long due
But it's not over yet .

Don't hold back of whatever million reasons you think,
Because of which we cannot be.
Cause every dream, every day and everytime of my waking hours,
All I think is of you, of how not   to be apart.

Why don't you ever believe,
Together we can make right every problem there is.
Just hold your hand out and feel my hand shiver,
From the ache of love and the  desperate days' fever.

You don't know how badly the days pass.
You won't stay, this feeling in my heart.
Just honour the days together spent, if nothing else.
And try to work it out the story rest.

Open your eyes and you will see,
we were not wrong in anything  we did.
You know my heart as i know truly yours.
The times that were bad will make us closer than before.

So have this faith in us,
believe what happened was for our best interests.
Be glad we have learned our lessons in time,
to not make mistakes in our future lives.

Let's walk together when the waters run to our feet.
Let the dancing waves wash away our guilts.
And until the night falls we sit on the beach
To watch together the sun rise on our life's sea.

Monday 7 July 2014

A little less wonderful

Away from my heart's desire
I plan my days waiting to be admired.
My every step is for a walk in the rain
But i falter them on the puddles of drain.

When I had the chance to make a choice,
I was afraid of my weak inner voice.
I took the easier way to agree to what they say.
And I ended back being someone I hate.

Here I pray for the lovely days.
I want to play in sand, drench in rain.
No more sorrow, not this hollow,
Forget the past, there is tomorrow.

We make mistakes before we reach our fate.
We fall back down before its not even late.
We don't ever see that we're not the only ones
To feel the pains of being a failed someone.

So be brave and muster up the courage,
To face everyone who thinks you're not so great.
Cause its not over till your life's actually over.
You'll have your day when luck's in your favour.

When you open up your arms to the world,
It will welcome you back with a greater joy.
So now hug the very moment of being
a little less wonderful human  being.

Sunday 1 June 2014

The Givers

The picture book of a handful dreams;
The diaries full of things we wished;
The scribble on the newspaper faces;
The building castles out of lego pieces.

Placing our fears in the hands of two,
wanting to grow up a little too soon;
Before we know how to think up wise,
we struggle to make our choices right.

But as they say we learn as we falter,
we hurry back to our little warm shelter;
Because even the plants die without warmth,
the showers of love and the home soil charms.

We may follow the world to become old and wise
but in our roots is all the conditioning we may find;
Cause when we were young our little fingers did hold,
the hands of two lifelong givers with a heart of gold.