Friday 20 December 2013

The Rotting Book

I had ambition; all I have now is desperation.
My goals were larger than life, never to be real.
A dream carried on too far, nothing I ever feared.
Stories spun in my head like a child's imagination.

I thought of weaving threads through the clouds
before they could ever burst out loud.
I pictured the leaves without any branches
and gave them all the colours I wanted.

But no one wants the leaves non green
or the clouds to be tamed by a needle thin.
A beggar’s clothes must never be clean
and the world must always be cruel and mean.

I tried to push the buttons but had no luck with the current.
I picked up a pencil to draw but all I had was a damp paper.
I tried to swim but my limbs stopped moving out of panic.
My house was on fire but I merely watched it falling.

I was told as a young one that dreams make up your life.
So I dreamt like I had every chance for it to come alive.
But I wasn't warned about the possible externalities.
So here I am passing my days without any clarity.

I chose to tread on this path myself
when I had the will to walk away.
I pick up the pages falling off the shelf
of my life's book that is rotting away. 

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